About Open Door Baptist Church
Open Door Baptist Church has been proclaiming the gospel of salvation in the St. Louis and Overland area for 50 years. Currently pastored by Jerome F. Gennaria, Open Door Baptist has enjoyed a long heritage of godly pastors and leaders whose chief goal have been to reach the souls of men for Christ.
We enjoy the fellowship of 20-30 of God’s saints each Sunday. Our Sunday services include uplifting hymns, special music, Biblical preaching, & Sunday School. Other ministries at Open Door include Vacation Bible School, kids and teen activities, weekly soul-winning visitation, men’s and ladies meetings and classes for new converts.
Open Door stands unapologetically for the old-time, traditional doctrines of the Bible as historically held by Baptists. We are an independent, fundamental Baptist church founded on the principles and doctrines of Holy Scripture and dedicated to the idea that our purpose on earth is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with all of mankind.
We are located at the corner of Lackland and Goodale in Overland, Missouri (map & directions).
Our Sunday morning service is at 11:00 a.m. and our evening service starts at 6:30 p.m. Sunday School begins at 10:00 a.m. and our Wednesday evening prayer and Bible study is at 7:30p.m. A calendar of upcoming events is located on our Events page.
If you have any questions about Open Door Baptist Church you can reach us by phone at (314) 423-9872, or by filling out the form on our Contact page.