Open Door Baptist 50th Anniversary Jubilee
For the last sixty years, God has been faithful to share the light of the gospel in Overland, Missouri through his people at Open Door Baptist Church. We are grateful to be a small part of a legacy that began in a small house in 1962.
On Sunday, November 13, 2022, Open Door Baptist Church will host our 60th Anniversary Celebration. Thank you to all of our friends who were able to attend or who sent there thoughts and prayers. It was a wonderful day of testimony and thanksgiving for what God has wrought.
Evangelist Kent Prain, whose ministry has blessed Open Door through numerous revival meetings, preached our morning and evening services. In addition to the preaching we were blessed with special music, testimonies and remembrances of the history of Open Door.
A special memorial offering was taken to be used to improve the accessibility of the facility through the installation of a lift or ramp. If you were unable to attend and would like to participate in the offering you may use the secure Donate button below.
We trust that the Lord has blessed and enriched your lives through the years and that the ministry of Open Door has helped to strengthen your walk with Him. Please pray that He will continue to make this church a blessing for generations to come.